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Updated: 22NOV2010

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Blog updates still in 'suspension'. Busy and unfocused.

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Tojiro PS 210mm Gyuto F-520


Nice hard powdered steel cutting core clad with softer (‘easy to scratch’ ) stainless steel. It has signature Tojiro rather square shoulders on the handle which I don't mind and actually love the boxy handle shape.

The wavy boundary between the PS core and the stainless cladding. Cool... 
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Here it is, the handle rescaled: Concinna Burl scales, reshaped bolster, 2x SS corby screws and epoxy, mineral oil-wax finish.


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My first time working with burl wood.

KF post:

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xX Add in new tung oiled photos. Xx

Original post: 29JUN07, Updated: 25APR09

Fujiwara Kanefusa FKM 145mm Honesuki


Unlike the shitty deba from the same Fujiwara FKM series, this is actually a really nice knife. Intended for poultry butchery with its thicker blade and large handle, it can easily handle most birds and with the pointy tip it makes getting at the wishbone easier. I’ve used mine mainly for fish filleting, but have since upgraded to a deba.

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CRW_3763 I’ve rescaled the handle with ‘Curly’ Jarrah, African Blackwood front spacer and Concinna Burl butt, mineral oil and beeswax finish. Dropped the tang down with help the shortish handle feel longer, re-riveted with 2x SS Corby screws and epoxy.

This is my first time attempt at a multiple wood scale handle.

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Caring this knife off to a KF member, but not before making a pinless saya for this knife.

KF post related to this rescaling:


Original post:18OCT08, Updated: 25OCT08

Fujiwara Kanefusa FKH 150mm petty

CRW_0226 Didn't take photos of it new and unused. Here it is with light patina and on factory edges.

Bought this knife with the intention of converting into a narrow blade paring knife, but when I got it I decided to keep it as a petty. SK-4 HCS steel, easy as to sharpen to a very keen edge. It’s currently on heavily right biased sub-10º angles and is crazy sharp for a double bevel knife.

I have rescaled it with Lace Sheoak scales, a single SS corby screw and epoxy, ground the tang straight. When shaping the handle, I realised it would have been much easier to construct a hidden tang ‘wa’ handle and grind the bolster and tang to insert in.

This is my first time attempting a tapered octagonal handle on a kitchen knife, but I’ve experimented with plain octagonal handles on my hand saw and needle files.



KF post on the rescaling project:

Original Post: 18OCT08, Updated: 25OCT08

Monday, 20 October 2008

MAC Superior SB-105 10.5” scalloped slicer


This is one smooth slicing serrated (well scalloped) edged knife, it’s the shape of its serrations that interacts with food presenting a round face instead of a pointed teeth as with regular serrations that slices and the ‘valley’ in between to aid the scallops engage into crusty products instead of biting and ripping away.

So if you’re slicing something like a Cordon Bleu, a regular serrated knife will leave ripples in the metal; the scallops will give a much cleaner cut… but a regular, sharp chefs knife should be able to cut through breadcrumb crust without unsticking it. The scallops help a lot for tough crust items like roast pork with thin crackling, the heavily reduced ripping effect will also reduce crumbing when slicing real bread and cake sponge.

I paid USD$54 + USD$7 postage for this knife via JCK, Everten Online is trying to selling them for AUD$100.

This knife is my work serrated knife, I’ll get a second one for home use and add a leather washer handle to it.

Original post: 20OCT08

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Yoshihiro 270mm yanagiba


Yoshihiro 270mm shiroko (White steel) yanagiba, with Magnolia wood D-shape handle and black water buffalo ferrule and it also came with a wooden saya. I bought off eBay for roughly the same price as a Masahiro Bessen (plastic ferrule) and I get a saya included as well.


Good to see they rounded and polished the choil which you don’t see much. It came with a very small micro bevel, thus making it very easy to fix and fully sharpen the edge to my personal preference.

Original post: 19OCT08

Suisin HC 270mm sujihiki


Suisin HC 270mm sujihiki, I suspect is a SK variant HCS, fitted with a stainless bolster and pakkawood scales.

I’ve gotten some patina onto it or else it might have taken forever to form a resilient patina. I’ve also thinned it a lot behind the edge, a lot.

I haven’t used this knife much, I figure I can slice most items with a long gyuto. And if it’s too delicate for a gyuto, it’s not going to hurt a yanagiba’s edge.

Before I sell it off, I think I find a nice piece of wood for this knife, have 2x SS corby screws and epoxy and add tang extensions to lengthen the handle.

Original post:19OCT08

Masahiro Saijo 240mm yanagiba


Left: New in the box. Right: After a light 50 hours service.

Masahiro Saijo series 240mm shiroko (White Paper steel) yanagiba, Magnolia wood handle and black water buffalo ferrule.

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The knife didn’t come with a saya so I got my hands on a Mizuno Tanrenjo saya, ditched the saya pin which easily gets lost… say into food.

Original post:19OCT08

Masamoto KA2015 150mm hon-deba


Masamoto Sohonten 150mm Aoko (Blue Paper steel) honkasumi hon-deba, Magnolia wood handle with a white water buffalo ferrule and surprisingly beautiful saya.

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I bought this knife for $200 shipped from a fellow KF member, and I’ll say they taken amazingly great care of the knife, looks new to me. It retails for about $269 from the likes of JCK.

Original post:19OCT08

Suisin HC 150mm Honesuki


Not exactly sure which high carbon steel is used in this knife, I suspect SK-series steel. I’ve dropped it once and chipped the heel of the blade and sharpened half of it out, which was easy enough.

Has a smaller handle compared to the Fujiwara FKM, and is better suited using a forward choke “accuser grip” due to it’s somewhat short handle.

I’m going to keep this knife for my honesuki, I’m probably rehandle it in a hidden tang style, Black Canvas Micarta block with some form of contrasting forward spacer and pommel similar to that on the Fujiwara FKM honesuki.

Original post: 18OCT08, Updated:25OCT08

Fujiwara Kanefusa FKH 240mm gyuto


Bought this knife to try out the 240mm gyuto size and I think I’ll stick to 270mm or 300mm. Made of one piece of SK-4 steel (same as the Hiromoto HCs), with a stainless steel bolster.

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Because of its smoother satin finish on the blade, patina builds up quite slowly and very colourfully.

Slightly thicker than the Hiromoto HC very slightly, but then again Hiromoto did make the HC one of those cool thin knives. Fujiwara fit a very nice large handle with pakkawood scales, kinda like a Hiromoto HC with a rounded Tojiro DP handle.

I’m going to sell off this knife to get its 270mm cousin to replace my 270mm Hiromoto HC in the future or as my HCS backup knife. Before I sell it, it has got to get a makeover with probably Red Morell scales.

Original Post: 17OCT08, Updated:19OCT08

Victorinox 10" Fibrox Chef's knife

Victorinox 25cm Fibrox Cook's knife

A great bang-for-buck knife that's easy to find to almost everyone, Joe Average probably goes for smaller sizes.

Here’s it with a little upgrade, I rehandle it with Grey Ironbark, laminated with Mangowood…

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KF post on the rescaled knife

Original Post:07JUL07, Updated:19OCT08

Friday, 17 October 2008

Hiromoto AS 210mm Gyuto



210mm gyuto from Hiromoto’s Tenmi-Jyuraku AS series is a super value priced, high performance kitchen knife; is Aogami Super core steel with soft stainless cladding blade with a stainless steel bolster and pakkawood scales.


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Rescaled with Holly Banksia, secured with SS corby screws and epoxy. Hand rubbed blade to 1200x wet-dry sandpaper and 0000 steel wool and polishing paste.

I sold this knife to a KF member to take good care of it, I don’t have much use for 210mm gyutos nowadays.

The KF post

Tojiro DP 270mm Gyuto F-810

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High quality stainless steel chefs knife from Tojiro DP series, softer stainless cladding over a hard core steel. This is my backup stainless steel knife to my go to Hiromoto HC 270mm gyuto.


Nice big handle, with Tojiro’s signature blocky shoulders on the knife’s handle; scaled with “ecowood” staminawood which suppose to be resin impregnated wood but it’s looks and feels like plastic but even more brittle and susceptible  to chipping. Still one of my favourite handle shapes though.


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Went straight from the box in the vice for rescaling.  Red-Black Linen Micarta, 3x SS corby screws, epoxy bonded and bolster reshaped.

KF posts:

Original Post:17OCT08

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